Englischsprachige Literatur

Hammer Chris


Wildfire Headland, London 2020


This is the third of Hammer´s Scarsden novels, this time set in Sydney, where journalist Martin Scarsden investigates the murder of Molloy, undercover agent and ex-lover of Scarsden´s girlfriend.

Molloy had investigated the suspicious dealings of a bank and went missing with a million dollars.

The plot develops slowly with Scarsden interviewing all prospective witnesses and persons of interest. the police become involved, when murders occur in high places. Scarsden. still in contact with his former newspaper, finds out that a secret society, the “mess” pops up, whenever he investigates.

Hammer describes this more and more intricate net of suspects, throws in an American mafioso and rather atrocious murders.

In the end all is well that ends well, and Carsden and his lover plus little son can live happily untill the next novel is published.

Hammer writes in a surprisingly eloborate style for an Australian and the reader follows the twists and turns of his story willingly.