Englischsprachige Literatur

Fforde Jasper

The Big over Easy

Hodder&Staughton, London 2005


This is “An investigation with the Nursery Crime Division” (subtitle) and the crime that DI Jack Spratt has to solve is the murder of Humpty Dumpty who has obviously fallen from a wall in Reading, been shot and burst to pieces.

It would be impossible to sum up what happens in this weird book, and it is only rarely fun to read.

Fforde, like Abramovitch, has just too many outrageous ideas and too little strategy how to fit them into a convincing story, negecting the fact, that even a parallel universe has to have a logical plot.

And again, this reader here cannnot praise J. K. Rowling´s creative mastermind enough. She can integrate even the craziest details in a wonderful story with plenty of logic of its own.